The thought of chemotherapy brings up many negative thoughts and fears in most people. Anyone who has experienced cancer or been a support person can attest to that. The picture is the bag that my new drug comes in – a reminder of the toxicity of what is going into my body.
But, I choose to reframe the situation – to look at the chemo as positive, an army of drugs that are fighting the cancer, reaching into my bloodstream, to stop the cancerous cells from growing and making a home in my body. And if I need a wrecking ball to get the job done, so be it! Thankfully this new drug has been kind to me. Before treatment I was afraid – will I be too sick, too tired, too anything to get out of bed every morning? I am grateful that my body has adjusted to the drug and side effects are minimal.
So, why am I talking about medicine? Chemo is not a fun subject, and hopefully I haven’t scared you off. But “medicine” is what we can give to each other. "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." Proverbs 17:22. We need this especially when there is so much negativity in the world. So much division, hatred, discontent and angst. All you have to do is turn on the TV or browse Facebook. Lines have been drawn on such a simple thing as wearing a face mask!
As you know, I love nature. As I was walking on a new trail the other day, I was struck by the number of mushrooms growing out of older trees, and decaying felled trees. So I did some research - the trees provide nutrients for the mushrooms and some mushrooms help improve the tree’s moisture and nutrient absorption, while others impede nutrients to the tree. A symbiotic relationship. Once again, a lesson to be learned from the forest.

Everything and everyone has a purpose, in nature and life. We are all on this earth together. And like it or not, we are either providing a healthy or poisonous relationship to everyone around us. How lucky we are as humans to have a choice in how we nourish each other. How we can either become salve to a wound or spread poison. I know people don’t intentionally spread poison, that is a lesson in itself (for another day) to discern the hurt in others. But, our work is to discover the medicine we are meant to give to the world.
Ask yourself the questions: “How can I best serve the world?” and “what is the healing I offer?”
You have unique talents and abilities that you were meant to share with the world. They may not be “large” contributions, but everyday small nuggets of healing through thought, word, and action. Remember to be gentle with yourself on this journey - this introspection. As you embrace your healing power you will begin to notice a ripple effect of good while sharing your unique medicine.
Just like the trees, we have symbiotic relationships with each other and Mother Earth. We can bring a breath of fresh air, joy, and gratefulness to the earth, or bring sadness, strife and anger to the earth. We have the choice and can make a positive change together to help strengthen ourselves and our communities.
Each day I make the choice for joy and gratefulness. Grateful I can get out of bed each morning, share my love of the forest with you, and lessons that I continue to learn as I walk in the woods.
“Before we awaken, our joy is to use the things of this earth; after the grace of awakening, our joy is to serve the things of this earth. With the growth of wisdom, our life becomes more and more a creative act, an act of service.” Jack Kornfield