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Embracing Winter

Writer: joannemesserijoannemesseri

Last Saturday (Feb2) was Imbolc/St Brigid's Day.  An Irish holiday which falls halfway between Winter solstice and the Spring equinox . It is a festival of light, celebrating the first stirrings of spring after the long dark winter. 


I tend to focus on “the first stirrings of spring,” which, after our long, cold winter in Ohio is much anticipated. However, at a recent hike with a dear friend, she mentioned the concept of embracing Winter.  It is the perfect time to hold space for renewal, purification, rebirth, hope, growth, and new beginnings. An important time for introspection. Winter gives us the opportunity to rest, slow down, conserve energy, and relax.  To embrace the darkness to find the light from within.


When we look at the trees, plants and wild animals, they have all gone within for strength during the Winter season.  Most trees have lost their leaves, and are gaining nourishment and strength from their root system and beautiful mother earth.  Yesterday I took a very icy, cold hike in a local park and just rested my back on a tree, imagining myself gaining strength through its root system.  Taking time to embrace the benefits of the season and feeling the strength of the here and now. 


Similar to Imbolc, I am past the mid-way point in my chemo treatments.  And, as I did with winter, I want to rush through the process for the coming Spring.  But I am reminded to embrace the season, embrace the time to rest, and focus on my body and its well-being. To find the strength and light from within. Taking the time to fully learn the lessons that “the now” has for me, before rushing off to what’s next.


So, I invite you to embrace the last bits of Winter.  Embrace the time indoors, time to rest, enjoy solitude, reflect, read a good book, and find what brings you joy in the darkness of Winter.  Spend time with friends and loved ones, or channel your creativity with a unique hobby or craft project.  Ignite that spark of light from within.

“Wintering brings about some of the most profound and insightful moments of our human experience, and wisdom resides in those who have wintered.”  ― Katherine May


Art by Josie Wren
Art by Josie Wren





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