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Writer: joannemesserijoannemesseri

The little reed, bending to the force of the wind, soon stood upright again when the storm had passed over…. Aesop

What A Year it has been! I ushered in 2020 with the typical chemo side-effects following my 12/30/19 infusion. This should have alerted me to what kind of year it would be. Right! But, who knew!

With 2020 in the rear view mirror, I want to take a moment to reflect, so please bear with me. We all learned to sway with the wind, not allowing the storm to break us, but it was still a tough year. We felt fear and isolation from the Covid 19 pandemic. Our everyday lives were curtailed or came to a screeching halt. A simple shopping expedition was now dangerous. The ability to go to TJ Maxx and touch everything or my scavenger hunt for awesome finds at my local Salvation Army was too risky, as well as just regular grocery shopping.

The first part of the year for me included two days every three weeks in the hospital. That was a scary experience when Covid first hit in March and April. There was so little known about the virus, and so many precautions taken, especially with low blood counts. No visitors in the hospital and isolation when I got home. After all the chemo, the cancer still remains, but shrunk to half the size - so that is progress.

During my time in the hospital, I was struck by the kindness of the staff. One young man in particular that brought in my lunch. He was always kind and asking about my progress with a video game I was playing. My nurses and the IV techs got to know me well and I appreciated their smiling faces. Now, when I have my check-ups I try and bring in handmade cards for those sitting by themselves in the chemo ward to brighten up their day.

In June I started a new chemo drug (in pill form). The side effects have not been debilitating, I count myself lucky as it could be much, much worse. But fatigue, brain fog and stomach issues are common with a little nausea sprinkled in just for fun.

Like so many others, I found ways to pivot during the pandemic. To make changes in our lives, be kind and give back to others. We can’t ignore the stormy parts of the last year, but we can put them in perspective.

2020 was definitely a growth year. We learned new skills – becoming quasi-experts in Zoom, WhatsApp, and other tools. We came together in so many different ways. My neighbor made masks – selling them from home as she was furloughed from her job. A friend from Washington state started a virtual Book Club, a great way to connect and learn from each other. We started a small garden at home and definitely learned a lot, hoping for a better crop next year! And I enjoyed my weekly Tai Chi class via Zoom.

My morning swim was replaced by a daily walk around the neighborhood. I’ve chatted (from a safe distance) with so many neighbors during my walks. Some that I had never met, and also caught up with those I had only seen in passing the past few years. I created the prayer/wishing tree at the exit of our neighborhood giving everyone a chance to share positivity with one another.

I have also found some new hiking trails that I never knew existed thanks to my neighbors and connections from my hiking groups on Facebook. I was able to explore some beautiful new areas on my own.

My family, well what can I say. They have all been so supportive of the changes in our routines, and cautious about infections. Mike & Sangah are my cleanliness guards – nothing enters the house until cleaned by one of them! I order groceries online and my hubby picks them up on his way home from a curbside-only store near his work. Thankfully my hubby has continued to work, busier than ever, and remains diligent about Covid precautions, plus puts up with me - he deserves a medal!! My sisters have been great connecting via our regular Snapchat Sunday – we also video call so our mom can see us too! I found the video feature accidentally when pressing a wrong button! Technology, who knew! And what would we do without WhatsApp keeping up with Gina in London and Los Angeles. Now, that girl has moxie – so proud of how she has thrived through very challenging situations.

The Survivors Teaching Students group pivoted to Zoom presentations with great success. Student feedback has been awesome. It is great to continue to reach future medical professionals. The OCRA Annual conference was held virtually this year, so I was able to attend the sessions and learned so much! Plus we held a Zoom Christmas party to celebrate with these awesome, strong ladies!

The Fresh Chapter group (who I went to Peru with) pivoted to an online format, and I was able to participate in their Alumni Odyssey program and their Annual conference from the comfort of my home. So great to reconnect and be inspired by my tribe! For more information on how you can get involved:

I have found so many great resources that I never knew existed. You know me, the Google queen! So I would like to share a couple with you.

Thinking of those in nursing homes being separated from their loved ones, I started making cards for the elderly – You can become involved too! Check it out at:

I stumbled upon a great free weekly webinar. It really helps me focus on what is important and perfect for mid-week (Wednesday Well being Webinar.) Their commitment is to help people struggle less and feel a little more joy, ease and meaning. You really need to check it out: The speaker, Nataly Kogan also has a book, blog, and is on Instagram and Youtube.

So, I sign off today looking forward to 2021 with gratitude. Grateful for you, my friends, for your friendship and for the positive steps we made this past year - learning, loving and experiencing the tremendous power of kindness. Keeping the families who have lost a loved one and those suffering from Covid 19 in our prayers for continued comfort and strength.

I look forward to all life has in store for us this coming year - no sweeping resolutions but one positive step at a time. We’ve got this and will be soon standing upright after the storm!



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