I was on my daily walk this morning, trying to time it between rain storms. As I walked in the sunshine, it started to rain just a bit. I know many have experienced sunshine and rain at the same time. It kind of feels magical to me. The smell of the rain on the pavement, the wind sensation and smell of freshness through the trees all while the sun is shining. It reminded me of a poem I read many years ago – while still in high school.
Life is a mixture
of sunshine and rain,
Laughter and teardrops
Pleasure and pain….
Back in high school the meaning had such an innocent ring to it, for life was easy. A loving family in a small rural community. We didn’t have a lot, but possessions have never meant much to me. The biggest hurdle was fitting in, feeling of belonging – you remember those days. Never realizing that everyone, and I mean everyone in high school, was feeling the same way. Some just had more effective ways of hiding their insecurities. Some were kind, and others cruel, but that is teenage angst.
Now when I reflect on the poem, it makes so much more sense. There has to be sunshine and rain. We need the pleasure and the pain, the laughter and teardrops. Without the combinations we wouldn’t grow, we would become stagnant and wither away. How else can we fully appreciate the sunshine if we haven't experienced the rain.
One of the many lessons I have learned over the past few years is to really look at the pain (the darkness) and not run from it. Running from things is something I have been very good at most of my life. I am learning not to stuff down the pain and pretend it doesn’t exist. To do that, I have to face it head on. I love the question “what is that all about?” It really opens me up to examine why some things really affect me, but in a gentle way. Then, I can come to terms with the pain because I have brought it to light – aha the sunshine!! An exercise in perspective. Then seeing the light shining through the clouds you can begin to experience the pleasure, the laughter.
Being human is tough, dealing with pain and disappointment is not easy. Right now there is so much pain in the world, and we are surrounded by so much negativity. It would be so easy for any of us to go down the rabbit hole of despair, but instead practice self-compassion and soften your expectations of yourself and others. Embrace both the sunshine and the rain.
All days can’t be bright, but it’s certainly true
There was never a cloud the sun didn’t shine through….
Helen Steiner Rice