As I wandered in the woods today, I was greeted by a flurry of seed puffs – similar to snowflakes, but with a very important mission of bringing new life to the earth. I watched as they billowed with the breeze eventually falling to the ground. What kind of tree or bush will they become, of that I am not certain.
This got me thinking about us – if we are seeds scattered around the earth, what is the fruit of our life?
A dear friend of mine passed away last month, and they held his memorial service on Friday. I was able to view the service by Facebook Live. Isn’t technology awesome!
His was definitely a life well lived, and well loved. We labored together (you could call it work, but a labor of love was more like it) when he, his wife, young son and I lived together in the Dilaram House on Maui in the late 70's. The best way to describe our house was a Christian half-way house for the lost and destitute. Our house was open to anyone – creating a full table at most meals, and an overflowing house with tents in the back yard. We shared challenging yet rewarding times that created a lifelong bond and an extended family.

My friend went on to become a social worker, form an adoption agency with his wife, while raising two wonderful men. The stories people shared of his life made me cry, of course, but in his passing he is leaving a legacy of love behind. He sowed so many seeds of love, compassion, and hope through his 70 years on earth. His life continues through all who knew him and I am thankful I was one of them.
Which brings me back to the question. What type of seeds am I scattering around the earth? It has been so easy to become fearful and angry with everything going on in the World, let alone dealing with cancer. As I was walking, I noticed the scurrying sounds in the woods of the chipmunks and squirrels taking cover as I approached. Is that what I am doing now, doing the duck and cover? With the new drug I will start taking this week, it mentions to stay away from anyone with a cold due to low blood counts– hello – we’ve got more than a cold going on out there!
Even though I can’t safely go out in public places, can I still make a difference? Can I still sow the seeds of love and compassion around me? Can you? I think it really boils down to our everyday interactions with each other. Are we reacting out of love or fear? Are we slow to judge, slow to anger, and slow to speak? Do we listen, and I mean really listen to each other?
I can choose to get outside of my bubble and reach out to others, via phone, text, Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook, or the old fashion way – a card or letter. I am becoming proficient at making my own greeting cards. I like to send cards to those that touch my heart on any given day, and have started making cards for a charity that brings them to nursing homes.
So, while I can’t give everyone a hug (and you know I like hugs) I can sow those small seeds of love in other ways. Time to turn the fear and anger into confidence, compassion and love.
"The gardener knows how to turn garbage into compost. Therefore our anger, sadness, and fear is the best compost for our compassion." ~ Kayla Mueller