It has been a year of mixing it up for me. It culminated with my Christmas decorations. I’m one of those people they joke about on social media: every decoration on the tree has a specific place. It takes me forever to get the ornaments out of the boxes, organize them and place them on the tree.
Well, this year I didn’t bring out the box of ornaments, or the usual decorations around the house. This year it is about simplicity and enjoying something different. The mantel holds stuffed animal characters from the Rudolf movie, my tabletop has houses I painted with candles inside and the tree, that is a story in itself!
Years ago, I planted two “dwarf” blue spruce trees in our front flower bed. The trees have grown so much that they threaten the foundation, so I replanted one in the backyard, and left the other because of a bird’s nest. Each year before we could transplant it, another nest would appear with yet another family of birds. So, this year we decided to cut it down for our Christmas tree!
I call it our Charlie Brown tree because it is so misshapen. Once we got it straight, the fun began. On came a couple strings of lights and then homemade decorations made this past year. Thanks to the OCRA craft projects, I have plenty! Christmas balls we painted, Bridget’s crosses, fish origami, button people and trees, my Disney advent calendar puzzles and just for fun miniature squishable animals. This tree makes me laugh! And my star on top is a starfish plush I bought years ago that gave a calming sensation to touch. He looks so happy up there!
Through the years I participated in road bike and running events, collecting a vast array of t-shirts and injuries along the way. Well, this year I didn’t attend any of those events, and you know what? My life went on!
Instead, I explored new parks and gardens. Watched the monarchs making their way to the Lake Erie shore as they migrate south - so magical! Lay on the grass in a dark sky park watching the leonid meteor shower. And completed the Cleveland Metroparks trail challenge and the Hiker Babes’ 100 Hike challenge.
This year I volunteered quite a bit as an elf for the CVSR Santa train with a great group of friends. I love seeing the joy on the children's faces as the train enters the North Pole. Us silly elves prancing around waiting for Santa to arrive! Also new is my weekly baby cuddler role in the NICU of our local hospital. Such precious darlings to snuggle.
This has been a year of both letting go; allowing things that no longer serve me to dissipate, and making room for what brings JOY to me and others.

“Find out where JOY resides. And give it a voice far beyond singing. For to miss the JOY is to miss all."
Robert Louis Stevenson