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Letting Go

Writer: joannemesserijoannemesseri

The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let things go. Anonymous

Life is constantly changing. We witness it in nature’s show of vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges in the fall as the leaves change color and eventually drop. Trees are at their most beautiful when they are in the midst of letting go. What is changing in your life? Are you grasping on, gripping, afraid to let go and let change happen?

This past weekend the kids were home, which hasn't happened in quite a while. I really did work on letting go, but you know how it is with kids - at least for me, I want to help, fix, hold on. But I think I did good (my hubby always helps me dial it back.) We enjoyed our time together: listening, laughing and just chilling together.

Our family has experienced major changes in the past five years. Our son moved to South Korea, but recently he and his beautiful wife returned to the U.S. We had an empty nest for a few years, but now are enjoying a full house! Also five years ago our daughter moved to Los Angeles, and then moved to London four moths ago (while we babysit her active pup.) My husband had a heart attack a few years ago (recovered 100%), changed jobs and is doing great. I was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer last year (now cancer free) and I just left my job of 21 years. I think on a change/stress scale our family is off the charts - a total earthquake on the Richter scale!

We have learned to let go of things that we are not in control of – no I take that back, we are learning to let go of things we can’t control! Like my Mary vs. Martha post – those Martha tendencies rush in and I try fix things that I can’t control, grasping on for dear life. Letting go and allowing change is an everyday lesson, actually an every moment choice for me!

But, just like the leaves, you have to let go. You need to recognize your feelings and accept the fact that with change comes a mix of emotions like excitement, fear, worry, doubt, annoyance, and trepidation. Every time one of those feelings takes hold of you, think about the leaves. Picture one of those vibrantly colored leaves flowing down a river - on the river of change. Yes, there will be twists and turns, some quiet lulls and possibly some rapids along the way. But remember, you have faced change before – and maybe everything didn’t turn out as you planned, but in the end, you are wiser and stronger. All those changes brought you to where you are today.

Allow yourself to embrace change, and create some change of your own. Look at your life and decide what is really important and what you can let go of. Is there clutter in your life? Physical, emotional clutter (unnecessary things, negative people, beliefs or ideas) that you are gripping onto that bring no value to your life. It’s time to release your grip and release what you no longer need. You will become a more vibrant person by letting go - just as the leaves that fall to the ground create beauty around us.

Be like the trees and let the dead leaves drop – rumi



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