On my morning walk the past few days I have been navigating the snowy sidewalks. When the snow is deep, I tend to walk in other’s footprints, as making my own path in the deep snow can wreak havoc on my knees! But as the snow starts to melt and the path gets full of ice, the footprints create puddles of ice and it is safer to create new footprints in the snow.
When I walk, I usually focus my attention looking at the sky, the trees, and any birds or animals along my path. I am able to do that in those parts of sidewalk that are clear and free of snow and ice. But, once it gets dicey, I turn my attention to my feet and the ground beneath me - you know how I have a tendency to fall on my tush.
As I was walking today, it dawned on me the analogy of life I’ve been experiencing on my daily walk. In life there are times with no obstacles, just a straight clear path. Then there are times when the best thing to do is follow in the footsteps of others. There is safety in repeating what has gone before, a path successfully traveled. But then, we also need to recognize when the path of others doesn’t serve our purpose. When we need to strike out on our own and create a new path. Who knows, maybe someone in the future will use our footprints to find their way.
A few weeks ago following my doctor’s appointment (everything remains stable) I was going down the hall to get some bloodwork done, and heard my doctor as she entered another woman’s room say, “so you are here to get your staples removed.” At first I was like, hmm, did I have staples? Then it came back, oh hell yeah I had staples down most of my torso – my scar can attest to that. But it is amazing to me that I had so easily forgotten and had to search my memory bank to bring it back.
I have been so focused on life, learning, and growing that I honestly forgot the pain, trauma, and fear I experienced when newly diagnosed. This incidence brought it back, but just for a moment. However, I found myself moving quickly from my pain to the pain of those starting their cancer journey. While it is not my place to encroach into other’s lives uninvited, I can still connect with their suffering. I can visualize myself breathing in their pain and fear, and breathing out joy and compassion to them. I can offer up a prayer for peace and tranquility.
Soon, I hope they will find the footprints of others to help them navigate life’s journey. That they see they are not alone, and many have gone before them leaving those footprints to ease their journey, to bring encouragement, wisdom and strength.

I am so grateful for the wonderful women whose footprints I am able to follow and who have championed with me as we navigate our unique paths.
hey, glad you found me or I found you. thanks for connecting..